INTERVIEWThe fruition of science and technology.
The dawn of HYA™ leading to health.

Professor, Department of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University.JUN OGAWA

Completed his PhD (Doctor of Agriculture) at the Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University in 1995. After working as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Agricultural Science of the same university and as a visiting researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Research in France, he is currently a professor in the Department of Fermentation Physiology and Brewing, Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University. He conducts research on microbial functions and microbial enzymes useful for functional food production and probiotic development.

Research on dietary lipids led to the discovery of HYA™

In 1999, the fatty acid metabolite HYA™, which no one had ever found before, was discovered in our laboratory when we were trying to create a certain functional lipid with micro-organisms. The discovery of HYA™ led to the elucidation of the whole picture of 'lipid metabolism by gut microbes' over a period of about 10 years. We discovered that linoleic acid taken in the diet is metabolized by lactic acid bacteria while being transformed into various substances, and that HYA™, a substance produced in the process, has the potential to have a wide range of physiological functions for the body.

Analysis of the function of HYA™ and establishment of postbiotics

HYA™ was an unknown substance. To analyze its functions in detail required extensive collaboration with nutritional, pharmaceutical, and medical researchers. Therefore, we proposed the establishment of a major inter-disciplinary collaboration to explore HYA™. As a result, we were able to confirm the function of HYA™ in supporting health in a variety of ways. This work led to the development of the new concept of 'postbiotics', in which 'dietary metabolites of gut microbes play an important role as performers of health promotion'.

Special fatty acid HYA™ that cannot be produced by human metabolism alone

Fatty acid metabolites produced by gut microbes are expected to have a variety of functions, such as improving abnormal lipid metabolism and regulating immunity, which have a significant bearing on the health of modern people. However, many of these substances are special fatty acids that cannot be produced by human metabolism alone. To utilize them for the benefit of people's health, it is necessary to develop production using the power of micro-organisms. The efforts of corporate researchers have finally resulted in the production of these substances. HYA™ is the first such 'postbiotic' that has brought scientific discovery to practical use.

HYA™ Supports Health and Advances Research on Gut microbes

HYA™ is a metabolite that is produced by gut microbes in the intestinal tract in response to diet and supports our health. The fact that we have been able to scientifically confirm this simple and clear fact and establish the technology and system to deliver it to you is the result of the efforts of many researchers and is a testament to our growth. HYA™ as a postbiotic, an gut microbial metabolite of dietary components. We hope that this new treasure that supports people's health will spread its wings as researchers make great strides.

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