INTERVIEWThe potential of HYA™ found in comprehensive lipid analysis.

Professor, Department of Metabolic and Physiological Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University Team Leader, Laboratory for Metabolomics, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical SciencesMAKOTO ARITA

Completed a doctoral course at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctor of Pharmacy) in 1997. After working as an associate professor at the same graduate school, he is currently a professor at Keio University's Metabolic Physiological Chemistry Department. He also serves as the leader of the Metabolome Research Team at the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences. He received the Lands Academic Award of the Japanese Society for Lipid Nutrition.

Importance of lipid metabolites in systemic regulation

I am engaged in research on 'biological regulation by fatty acid metabolic networks and elucidation of disease mechanisms due to their dysregulation', which also leads to an understanding of the mechanisms of action of HYA™. HYA™ is a functional substance produced when dietary linoleic acid is metabolized by lactic acid bacteria and other gut microbes. This series of fatty acid metabolites form a complex and diverse metabolic network in the body and are known to influence pathological conditions such as chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome.

Innovative analysis methods enable the discovery of new substances

Postbiotics, which focuses on metabolites of gut microbes, is a new field that could lead to major developments in drug discovery and healthcare. However, what is essential for its practical application is to understand "which of the many metabolites are involved in which pathways and how they function in the body". We have developed a revolutionary analysis technology that can distinguish between approximately 8,000 lipid species, which is approximately 10 times more than conventional research. This has opened up the possibility of discovering new metabolites including HYA™.

HYA™ is a fatty acid metabolite that improves metabolic function

HYA™ is a fatty acid metabolite produced by the intestinal bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus. It has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers as it is involved in the suppression of intestinal inflammation and the improvement of metabolic functions. Of course, HYA™ itself has always existed in the human gut and supported health. However, until the analysis technology we have developed, it was not clear where and in what quantities it is produced and how if functions.

Further discoveries into the control of metabolic diseases

We have previously shown that the balance of fatty acid metabolism is important for the control of inflammation and metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes and obesity). Although the word 'fat' may not conjure up images of being good for the body, lipid membranes, for example, cover each and every cell in our bodies. Life activities are supported by the presence of a wide variety of lipids in all parts of the body in an appropriate metabolic balance. We hope that our analysis technology will lead to further discoveries for human health.

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