INTERVIEWExperiments reveal
how HYA™ suppresses obesity

Department of Internal Medicine (Nephrology, Endocrinology and Metabolism), Keio University School of Medicine.JUNICHIRO IRIE

Graduated from Keio University School of Medicine in 1996 (Doctor of Medicine). He has been engaged in the clinical practice of diabetes and obesity and has served as Deputy Director of the Kitasato Institute Hospital Diabetes Center. He is a specialist, preceptor, and councilor of the Japan Diabetes Society, the Japan Endocrine Society, and the Japan Obesity Society, as well as a councilor of the Japan Society for the Treatment of Obesity.

The intestines of people who are underweight have a gut microbiota substance that makes them less likely to gain weight

I work in medicine as a doctor and am conducting research on the role of gut microbes in obesity and type 2 diabetes, and their application in treatment. Have you ever wondered why? Why some people are prone to obesity and others are not, even if they have a similar diet and lifestyle? Recent research has shown that people who are less likely to become obese have gut microbes in their gut that make them less likely to become obese and produce a variety of substances in their gut that prevent obesity from occurring.

Weight and body fat percentage decrease with the intake of HYA™.

HYA™ is one such lipid produced by certain lactic acid bacteria, a type of intestinal bacteria. Animal experiments have shown that HYA™ reduces obesity and improves diabetes. We asked healthy people to take HYA™ and investigated changes in blood glucose levels after eating, and found that the intake of HYA™ suppressed the rise in blood glucose levels after eating. Furthermore, when HYA™ was taken by healthy people for approximately three months, it was confirmed that HYA™ was safe to take and we observed a reduction in body weight and body fat percentage.

GLP-1 and HYA™ are key to reducing obesity

The reason for the reduction in weight and body fat is thought to be related to hormones in the gut. When you eat, the gut releases hormones that suppress bowel movement and appetite. Animal experiments have shown that the gut secretes more of this hormone when HYA™ is taken. In other words, it is thought that when people take HYA™, their intestines secrete more GLP-1 and other intestinal hormones, and as a result they lose weight.

HYA™ shines a light at a time when there is no "cure for weight loss"

Obesity is a condition in which the body has an excessive accumulation of fat, resulting in hypertension and diabetes, and is called obesogenic disease. Obesity is a disease that should be treated and can be improved by reviewing diet and exercise habits and losing weight. However, the difficulty in losing weight is universal. Unfortunately, at present, there is no medicine that can help people lose weight easily. If it becomes possible to manage weight using HYA™, which is produced by specific lactic acid bacteria, there will be great hope for the world.

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